[1] Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, Analysis and validation of a flexible planar two degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator with structural passive compliance, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(1): 011011 (10 pages), 2020.
[2] Genliang Chen, Jiepeng Wang, Hao Wang, A new type of planar 2-DOF remote center-of-motion mechanisms inspired by the Peaucellier-Lipkin straight-line linkage, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(1): 015001, 2019.
[3] Genliang Chen, Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Jiepeng Wang, Design and kinematic analysis of a spherical parallel manipulator using concurrent planar parallelogram linkages, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(7), 2491-2501, 2019.
[4] Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Qinchuan Li, Hao Wang, A simple two-step geometric approach for the kinematic calibration of the 3-PRS parallel manipulator, Robotica, 37(5), 837-850, 2019.
[5] Jue Yu, Yong Zhao, Genliang Chen, et al., Realizing controllable physical interaction based on an electromagnetic variable stiffness joint, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(5): 054501 (8 pages), 2019
[6] Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, A general approach to the large deflection problems of spatial flexible rods using principal axes decomposition of compliance matrices, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3): 031012, 2018.
[7] Genliang Chen, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Xinmin Lai, Identification of canonical basis of screw systems using general-special decomposition, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3): 034501, 2018.
[8] Genliang Chen, Lingyu Kong, Qinchuan Li, Hao Wang, Zhongqin Lin, Complete, minimal and continuous error models for the kinematic calibration of parallel manipulators based on POE formula, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121: 844-856, 2018.
[9] Lingyu Kong, Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Hao Wang, Kinematic calibration and investigation of the influence of universal joint errors on accuracy improvement for a 3-DOF par-allel manipulator, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 49: 388-397, 2018.
[10] Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Longhai Zhao, Design of a spatial translational mechanism by optimizing spatial ground structures and its kinematic analysis, ASME Jour-nal of Mechanical Design, 140(8), 082304 (15 pages), 2018.
[11] Weidong Yu, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-translational-DOF spatial parallel mechanism based on polyhedral, Mechanism and Ma-chine Theory, 121: 92-115, 2018.
[12] Longhai Zhao, Hao Wang, Genliang Chen, et al., Sequentially assembled reconfigurable extended joints: a self-lockable deployable structure, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(6): 04018103, 2018.
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[18] Zhao Y*, Yu J, Wang H, et al. Design of an electromagnetic prismatic joint with variable stiffness. Industrial Robot, 2017, 44(2): 222-230
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[20] Yu H*, Zhang J, Wang H., Dynamic performance of over-constrained planar mechanisms with multiple revolute clearance joints. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanica1 Science, 2017:0954406217738032
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